Photo of Steven Denham


An experienced, professional and dedicated personal fitness trainer based in Newcourt, Exeter; I am deeply passionate about sharing with you my knowledge and expertise regarding personal fitness, regular exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. Whatever your level of fitness, including your health and your age, I will provide you with absolute high quality bespoke training sessions.

“Working together, you will become fitter, stronger and healthier.”


Your training sessions with me will be strictly professional but also fun, friendly and inclusive. Together, we shall establish your planned fitness program that will aid you in accomplishing your set personal fitness goals. All activities will take into account any of your health or posture issues, along with potential injuries and medication, that may impact on fitness techniques and levels of exercise difficulty. Each one-to-one bespoke training session lasts an hour and can take place either at your home or outdoors.

My experience and qualifications include:

  • 15 years as a personal trainer
  • 19 years in the fitness industry
  • Sports Massage(sports therapy UK)
  • Level 4 Cancer rehabilitation(Canrehab)
  • Level 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation(BACPR)
  • Level 4 Obesity and  diabetes (HFE)
  • Level 4 Lower back pain (HFE)

Photo of Steven Denham exercising in the gym.

Photo of Steven Denham exercising in the gym.

A balance between lifestyle and fitness is central to your health, wellbeing and overall happiness

“I started seeing Steve after a very unhealthy first COVID lockdown. My motivation was low, along with my strength and flexibility. He’s been a breath of fresh air as I needed someone with good experience and knowledge to push me. Steve delivers on all fronts with my strength, flexibility and endurance all improving, along with my overall energy levels. Give Steve a call and you won’t be disappointed!”


Managing Director

“At the beginning, my fitness goals were to build on my strength, muscle endurance, muscle gain and fat loss. I met Steve and found him to be very technical in his knowledge and very good humoured. Regarding personal fitness trainers, Steve was always in demand within his gym by clients of all levels and experience. Fortunately, I was able to get on his roster so he could help me with in depth support and to give me the kick start I needed.

“Steve went on to ensure that I developed good form and technique. I also achieved fantastic strength and fitness levels. In my experience, training with Steve is fun. So much so that once he puts you to task then the tension, after even the most stressful of days, soon disappears.”


Project Engineer

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